The great part of genetic variants that we find in NGS analyses are rare (50-70%), most of them are not reported in public databases and we are not able to classify their effect. We don't need a static database to overcome this problem but an active network.
Smarties is a web place where you can freely share informations regarding genetic variants and their role in human phenotypes. It's not an usual structured database but everyone can interact and add informations and everyone can search, read and evaluate.
It's open and free!!
Here you can:
Post a genetic variant and ask to the community an opinion
Use smarties as your database
Share information with your team
Look for genetic variants that you or other members have previously saved
Become publicly validated
Compare your results with those obtained by other Community members
Ask for bioinformatic solutions
Meet other members who work in your field.
Highlight problems regarding NGS experiments
Find an husband.... NO this is not supported at the moment!!
How to access to the community?
- open FORUM windows
- register with your email or a nickname and select your personal password.
Join and help this project